Reyes, Herbert V., M.D.

The Accuracy of Sonography in Diagnosis Acute Appendicitis in Adult Patients at FEU-NRMF Medical Center - FEU-NRMF QUEZON CITY 2016

ABSTRACT: To determine the accuracy of sonography in the diadnosis of acute appendicitis in adult patients at FEU-NRMF Medical Center. We reviewed the medical records of 126 adult patients, 78 women and 48men, 18 years old or older, referred from the emergency department to sonography examination for clinically suspected acute appendicitis between November 2015 to February 2016. Patients underwent sonography of the right lower quadrant. Sonogaphy reports were compared with histopathologic results or clinical follow-up as the reference standard. Statistical analyses was performed by calculating the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of sonography.

