A Comparative Study on the Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes Associated with the Use of Isoxsuprine Versus Nifedipine in the Prevention of Preterm Birth among Patients Admitted at A Tertiary Center from 2009-2013 - Quezon City FEU-NRMF 2017 - 24 p.

ABSTRACT: Tocolytic use is justified in a woman with preterm labor since it will stop contractions and preterm delivery for 48 to 72 hours. This will allow the corticosteroid, which hastens fetal lung maturation and decrease respiratory distress in the neonate, to take effect. Ultimately, this will improve neonatal outcome if preterm delivery will eventually ensure. However, with the available tocolytics, the choice is limited by their efficacy, safety and side effects. Thus, there is a need for a continous search for effective tocolytic agents with minimal side effects.

