Castillo, Aileen K., M.D.

A Case Report on Multiple System Atrophy : The Hot Cross Bun Sign - QUEZON CITY FEU-NRMF 2017 - NO PAGE NO.

ABSTRACT: Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) is a rare sporadic progressive neurologic disorder affecting the striatonigral, olivopontocerebellum and central autonomic degeneration with 0.6 new MSA cases arising per 100,000 persons per year; a prevalence of 4-5 cases per 100,000 persons. Although diagnosed clinically, current researches have played a role in the diagnosis of the aforementioned syndrome, documenting the presence of the hot cross bun sign in T2 weighted MR imaging. F.G. is a 48 year old male parking attendant presented with an insidious onset of gradual progressive staggering broad based gait, intention tremors, and slowness of activities for a year. It was associated with postural dizziness and increased frequency of urination. T2 weighted imaging demonstrated the hot cross bun sign and atrophy of the brainstem, cerebellum and/or middle cerebellar peduncle.Early clinical course and infratentorial atrophy makes differentiating MSA from other neurodegenerative diseases, such as spinocerebellum, difficult. Close follow up is recommended.

