Early emergence after anesthesia with isoflurane and isoflurance shifted to sevoflurane / Noe P. San Jose, Ernesto F. Dela Cerna and Danilo C. Recto Jr. - Fairview, Quezon City: Department of Anesthesiology, FEU-NRMF. - illustrations; (in folder).

new record (02/18/2022)

Includes bibliographical references.

Abstract: We studied recorvery in 16 adult male patients, ASA I, undergoing donor nephrectomy after anesthesia with isoflurane alone (Group A; n = 8) and isoflurane shifted to sevoflurane (Group B; n = 8). Early emergence from anesthesia was assessed by measuring the time to respond to painful stimuli and to verbal command in a uniform method at 2-minute interval until full recovery is attained. Response to painful stimuli after discontinuance from isoflurane averaged 12.25 mins as compared to 11.5 mins from isoflurane + sevoflurane while response to verbal command was 21 mins and 19.25 mins in groups A and B respectively. Recovery times were not significantly increased in the isoflurane shifted to sevoflurane group. Isoflurance shifted to sevoflurane (Group B) does not provide a more rapid emergence than isoflurane group (Group A) after donor nephrectomy.

Research - Department of Anesthesiology

ANES ND 0001