Diagnostic accuracy of TB-LAMP and GeneXpert MTB/RIF in detecting mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum samples : a systematic review / Sherwin N. Benoza, Joever John C. Burigsay, Matt Gabriel A. Ines, Chris Mackenzie P. Pamplona, Clarisse Mariel m. Planton; Adlene Anne Atienza. - Fairview, Quezon City: School of Medical Technology, FEU-NRMF, 2022. - 104 pages: illustrations, tables; 28 cm.

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: Tuberculosis, which posed a great challenge to eradicate, caused thousands of deaths worldwide. Early diagnosis is essential for prompt management and treatment of the disease. Several TB diagnostic tools have already been established. However, there's still a need for a diagnostic tool with high diagnostic accuracy yet gives a rapid result at a reasonable cost. It aimed to assess the differences between GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay and TB-LAMP in comparison to conventional culture in terms of their sensitivity, turnaround time, and cost for the detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in the sputum samples of patients suspected of having pulmonary tuberculosis. This study is a systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of the tests GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay and TB-LAMP in comparison with conventional culture. PRISMA-DATA guidelines were utilized in this study. The studies that were included in this paper include those which studied patients suspected to having pulmonary tuberculosis, evaluated any of the index tests, used conventional culture as the reference standard and sputum samples as specimen, used observational or systematic review and meta-analysis, and studies from countries in which pulmonary tuberculosis is prevalent. In contrast, the study excluded studies that contain abstract only, published in other languages and with publication dates before January 2016. The electronic databases that were used for searching are Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, PubMed, ClinicalKey and ProQuest. The risk of bias and applicability was assessed using the QUADAS-2 tool. The study included 50 studies that were either observational and systematic review in nature. The total participants of the studies included is 21,308, which varied from pediatrics to geriatrics. The reference standard used by all the studies included in conventional culture The study results showed that the sensitivity and specificity of GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay ranges from 53.00% to 100.00% and 57.10% to 100.00%, respectively. On the other hand, the sensitivity and specificity of TB-LAMP ranges from 45.50% to 100.00% and 54.60% to 100.00%, respectively. In addition, conventional culture takes 15-21 days or more, and 1 hour to 3 hours for TB-LAMP and GeneXpert MTB/RIF before a result can be reported. Furthermore, the conventional culture could cost as high as US$ 70.29, the GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay costs US$12.69 and TB-LAMP cost US $9.40. The GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay is more expensive and specific than TB-LAMP. However, TB-LAMP is less expensive than GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay. Moreover, their turnaround time is almost similar to each other.

Thesis - School of Medical Technology

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