Saludes, Hermogenes R., MD.

The Validation of doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of esophageal varices / Hermogenes R. Saludes, Angelito Yat lung Balay, and Arnold Vitug. - Fairview, Quezon City Department of Medicine, FEU-NRMF, 2006 - (in folder)

Includes bibliographical references.

ABSTRACT: Esophageal varices are venous channels that develop in patients with portal hypertension secondary to nay chronic liver disease. They develop in 60% of patients with liver cirrhosis and risk of rupture is 30% with 2 years of diagnosis of varices. Endoscopy is the gold standard in the diagnosis of esophageal varices. Duplex - Doppler ultrasound is the initial screening procedure of choice because of its low cost. Several criteria were used in the diagnosis of esophageal varices using Doppler sonography, e.g., as portal vein diameter and congestion index; portal vein velocity as well as hepatic waveform morphology. The study is an randomized, double blinded study. All patients from June to November 2006 suspected or diagnosed to have liver cirrhosis referred for USG and those patients undergoing endoscopy to screen for esophageal and vice versa will be included in the study. Results of the USG and theEGD will be analyzed and the sensitivity and specificity of doppler USG will be compared to endoscopy in the diagnosis of esophageal varices. Doppler ultrasonography is comparable to endoscopy in the diagnosis of esophageal varices with a sensitivity of 81% and specificity of 93%.

Research - Department of Medicine
