Maria Isolda B. De Jesus, M.D

Choriocarcinoma of the Fallopian Tube : A Case Report

A csae of a primary choriocarcinoma of the fallopian tube is presented. The patient manifested with the signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, hence admitted. Emergency Exploratory Laparotomy and left Salpingectomy were done. Histopathology of the left fallopian tube revealed Choriocarcinoma. Serum B-hCG after six weeks normal as well as the succeeding serial determinations. No chemotherapy was done.This report aims to present the incidence of primary choriorcarcinoma of the fallopian tube, which is very rare. It also aims to discuss the management and prognosis of choriocarcinoma. after therapy.

RES OB-GYNE 2004 0002