Ramos, Jules Reinier M.

Fibromatosis in the pterygomaxillary area presenting with severe trismus / Jules Reinier M. Ramos. - Fairview, Quezon City Department of Otolaryngology, FEU-NRMF, 2015 - 15 pages: photos; (in folder)

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

ABSTRACT: This is a case of a 33 year old female call center agent with difficulty in mouth oopening for almost 5 years after a left maxillary pre molar tooth extraction. Panoramic x-ray and CT scan of the mandible were done and revealed results. The patient was managed as a case of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and was referred to rehabilitation medicine. The patient was lost to followe-up but came back for consult 2 years later, presenting with no inter-incisal opening. A plain CT scan was done which revealed an ill-defined soft tissue density seen in the contracted left maxillary sinus with erosion of the posterior and inferior walls of the left maxillary sinus which extended inferiorly causing erosion of the adjacent alveolar of the maxilla. The patient then underwent excision of the said mass and histopathology report is ficbromatosis. The patient was put on wooden tongue depressor splint with one splint added daily until norman range of inter-incisal opening was achieved.

Research - Department of Otolaryngology
