Common Stressors Encountered and Coping Mechanisms used by Level III Nursing Students of Far Eastern University Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation for the Academic Year 2005-2006 / Chriselle Joy R. Tolentino ; Jane C. Tolentino ; John Ivan R. Torres and Katlyn Ann O. Torres. - Fairview, Quezon City School of Nursing, FEU-NRMF March 2006 - 54 pages: illustrations, tables, photos; 28 cm.

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: Stress is a state produced by a change in the environment that is perceived as challenging, threatening, or damaging to the person`s dynamic balance or equilibrium (S. Smeltzer, Students can Experience either external or internal stress coming from different sources. This includes academic, physical, emotional and social factors. To be able to respond to this, coping mechanism are used. Coping is described as the students` strategy or attempt to deal with stress encountered in everyday situation. Many researchers were also conducted in relation to this study. Studies revealed that there are different stressors and coping mechanisms encountered and used by different people. The chosen subjects of the study are the level 111 nursing students of Far Eastern University - Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation, who are enrolled during the second semester of school year 2005-2006. A sample of 133 student respondents was selected using the Sloven`s formula. This study aims to seek the demographic profile of the student, including the stressors that they experience and the coping mechanisms used. A descriptive type of research is used for this study, and survey questionnaires were distributed to the respondents. The findings revealed that the common stressors encountered by the students are found academically and physically; and the common coping mechanisms used are found emotionally. Data are computed with the use of the frequency and percentage distribution method, and weighted mean.

School of Nursing

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