Patients` Level of Satisfaction on the Quality of Nursing Service as Perceived by the Patients and Head Nurses at FEU-NRMF Medical Center / Christine Elaine Aguila ; Kristine Pearly Andres ; Juneli Carig and Christan Castillo. - Fairview, Quezon City School of Nursing, FEU-NRMF March 2006 - 67 pages: illustrations, tables, photos; 28 cm.

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: This study aims to demarcate the Patients` Level of Satisfaction on the Quality of Nursing Service as Perceived by the Patients and Head Nurses at FEU-NRMF Medical Center. We wish to impact to the nursing team of FEU-NRMF Medical Center their strengths, weakness satisfaction rate they are rendering for their patients speedy recovery. The study mainly focuses on the nursing service in terms of their knowledge in explaining certain nursing actions; skills in carrying out selected and routinely nursing actions; and attitude in maintaining a harmonious nurse patient relationship. The distinguishing element of any trade is that it bears a body of knowledge wherein it is continuously ameliorated for its appliance. The history of nursing continuous to improve its client care. Throughout time, a nurse brings not only knowledge and expertise as well as the awareness of embracing the expectations of society in influencing human well-being. Our study is also designated to protect the subjects` right to confidentiality regarding their expectation to demarcate the quality of service in meeting needs (satisfaction), improving nursing service and for the betterment of the Institution that it may continue to produce nurses who achieves to confront clients expectancy.

Thesis - School of Nursing

N 2006 0021