Sugar Cane Vinegar and Refillable Printer Ink Solution as an Alternative Stain for Aspergillus Species / Dejamira Calma ; Leslee Cruz ; Charmaine Divino ; Aniza Karelle Ines ; Senen Jalgalado ; Vladimir Madrilejo ; Ralph Parfan ; Raphael Tee and Maria Kimberly Wong. - Fairview, Quezon City School of Medical Technology, FEU-NRMF ND - tables, photos; 28 cm.

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: Objective - The general objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of ink and vinegar solutions as an alternative stain for fungal species. Specifically, the objective is to determine whether the ink and vinegar solution can stain, preserve, and kill the fungal species being examined. Methodology - The experimental research design was utilized to look into the staining properties of the mixture of sugar cane vinegar and printer ink, using specific concentrations that can stain various species of fungi and be an effective alternative for the stains used today like Lacto phenol Cotton Blue. Results - The ratios of ink to vinegar concentrations that showed most effective in staining, killing and preserving the fungal specimens were 5:5 6:4, and 7:3 ink to vinegar ratios. Conclusion - The ink and vinegar solution can stain and preserve the structures of the fungi at a specific ratio. It can also kill the organism being tested making the slide safe for observation. Therefore, the ink and vinegar stain can be used as a cost effective alternative for the routine stain used in the laboratory.

Thesis - School of Medical Technology

MT ND 0007