Malignant transformation of a benign tumor vs metastatic lesion : a case report /

Castillo, Cristina Roxanne M., MD.

Malignant transformation of a benign tumor vs metastatic lesion : a case report / Cristina Roxanne M. Castillo. - Fairview, Quezon City Department of Otolaryngology, FEU-NRMF, 2016 - 14 pages: illustrations; (in folder)

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

ABSTRACT: Presented is a case of J.D. a 41 year old male with a left mandibular mass. This patient was initially diagnosed with Ameloblastoma, on the left mandible, which later on recurred and was diagnosed histologically as an Undifferentiated Carcinoma. The patient was apparently well after the mandibulectomy with reconstruction using titanium plate 1 ½ months prior to the recurrence the tumor. Until, he presented again with a similar but rapidly growing mandibular mass, on the ipsilateral side now accompanied with intermittent pain and an ulcerating alveolar mass. A tissue biopsy of the mass was done with a final histopathologic report of Undifferentiated Carcinoma.

Research - Department of Otolaryngology
