Antimicrobial Activity of Squid Ink from Sepioteuthis Lessoniana Férussac (Fam. Loliginidae) Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus /

Mary Denneth R. Fuentes, RMT, MSMT

Antimicrobial Activity of Squid Ink from Sepioteuthis Lessoniana Férussac (Fam. Loliginidae) Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus / Mariel Jasmine A. Agustine ; Lady Susanna D. Alberto ; Kathlyn Louise C. Durante ; Jordhel D. Ferrer ; Laila Noreen R. Magnaye ; Angelean Chay C. Malilay ; Hazel Grace D. Maranan ; Rachel B. Reyes ; Aileen Mae L. Ricio ; Fleureliza Isabel P. Sotelo and Roseanne F. Villamor. - Fairview, Quezon City School of Medical Technology, FEU-NRMF, 2018 - 51 pages: illustrations, tables, photos; 28 cm.

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

ABSTRACT: The emergence of a complicated Staphylococcus stain, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has been shown to cause a variety of serious infections a diseases, mainly skin, blood and surgical site infections. While consequently restricting the choice of antibiotics for treatment, administration has generated worldwide concern over the limited pharmaceutical options; hence the difficulty of treating affected patients. MRSA-associated diseases are attributed to direct skin-to-skin contact, sharing of personal articles, misuse of antibiotics and improper medication. While vancomycin remains the standard drug choice for treatment of diseases caused by MRSA, the researchers wanted to discover if a more naturally-inclined clinical measure will suffice the work just as well as vancomycin, to serve as an alternative antimicrobial in case of vancomycin resistance. The researchers used the bioactive antimicrobial properties to squid ink extract from the species Sepioteuthis lessoniana. This study used an experimental research design by comparative method, comparing the antimicrobial effects of vancomycin to 5 controlled disc of (1) 10μl of squid ink extract with dimethyl sulfoxide, (2) 50μl of squid ink extract with dimethyl sulfoxide, (3) 10μl of dimethyl sulfoxide, (4) 10 μl of hexane on duplicates of Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) plates inoculated with MRSA. After performing the antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) using disc diffusion method and thereafter measuring the zones of inhibition (ZOI: susceptibility must be 15 mm or more) using a Vernier caliper of the 5 different laboratory-acquired MRSA strains after incubation for 18-24 hours at 37°C, the researches discovered that the MRSA strains were resistant to the different crude concentrations of squid ink, obtaining a ZOI of only 6 mm. Thje researchers used Escherichia coli to further study the antimicrobial property of the different crude extractions of squid ink. The same procedure was performed with E. coli. After doing AST and measuring the zones on inhibition, the results showed that the E. coli was still resistant to the squid ink disc.

Thesis - School of Medical Technology

MT 2018 0003