Effectivity of Dishwashing Liquid with Lemon Water for Deparaffinization in Histopathological Technique /

Rogelda G. Bongat, MD, FPSP, MHPEd

Effectivity of Dishwashing Liquid with Lemon Water for Deparaffinization in Histopathological Technique / Alfonso B. Alino IV ; Rosabella C. Bajar ; Chanie R. Cañalita ; Kessathea P. Dele Cruz ; Nathaniel M. Lopez ; Justin G. Loveria ; Ryan Christoper D. Magboo ; Fiona Bernadine B. Pardo ; Carmina C. Patorpide ; John Romy M. Sanchez and Renzo Thomas D. Valmonte. - Fairview, Quezon City School of Medical Technology, FEU-NRMF 2018 - 49 pages: tables, photos; 28 cm.

Includes appendices anf bibliographical references.

Abstract: Xylene is an agent in routine histopathological techniques used in deparaffinization of tissues. It rapidly renders clarity by enhancing paraffin infiltration. Considering its chemical hardening effect, xylene is capable of bringing damage to tissue specimen. Thus this study aimed to compare xylene with DLLW (dishwashing liquid with lemon water) solution, specifically considering its deparaffinization characteristic. In this study, the researches decided to use pork belly as their specimen. The results obtained showed that DLLW solution was comparable though less potent compared with the standard, commercially used clearing xylene agent. This means that the solution prepared has an overall acceptable deparaffinizing property. Distinctive nuclear and cytologic features of tissue structures may be appreciated in the same way as xylene prepared specimens.

Thesis - School of Medical Technology

MT 2018 0013