Diagnostic application of urinary bladder sediments as predictor of positive urine culture in adult patients /

Diagnostic application of urinary bladder sediments as predictor of positive urine culture in adult patients / Rusela Maridith S. Nuñez. - Fairview, Quezon City: Department of Radiology, FEU-NRMF, 2019. - 22 pages: tables, illustrations; (in folder) with CD (soft copy).

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: To determine whether particulate echoes found on urinary tract ultrasound in patients with UTI correlate with positive urine culture. A retrospective study based on data of 160 patients with urine sediments as well as urine culture results from January 2016 to December 2017. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratio and diagnostic accuracy of presence of urinary bladder sediments based on urinary tract ultrasound examination in predicting positive urine culture were estimated. Presence or urinary bladder sediments based on ultrasound examination had a true positive rate of 61.9% (Se) and true negative rate of 54.2% (Sp) compared with urine culture. False positive rate was 45.8% while the false negative rate was 38.1%. Its diagnostic was 56.3%. The probability of positive urine culture given a positive urinary tract ultrasound result was 32.5% (PPV) and the probability of positive urine culture given a negative ultrasound finding was 80% (NPV). Urinary bladder sediments on ultrasound had a sensitivity of 61.9% and specificity of 54.2%. Out of 100% of patients with a positive culture, 61.9% presented with urinary sediments on sonographic evaluation while 54.2% of the subjects with negative culture result had findings of particulates on ultrasound. The probability of having a positive urine culture along with positive urinary sediments on ultrasound has a predictive value of 32.5%. The presence of urinary sediments on sonographic examination is 1.35 more likely to be seen on patients with positive urine culture.

Research - Department of Radiology

RAD 2019 0001