Determining HIV/AIDS awareness and testing practices among patients aged 19-35 in the outpatient of a tertiary hospital /

Determining HIV/AIDS awareness and testing practices among patients aged 19-35 in the outpatient of a tertiary hospital / Edmund Rey M. Gagam. - Fairview, Quezon City: Department of Internal Medicine, FEU-NRMF, 2021. - 28 pages: tables; (in folder) + with flash drive (soft copy).

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: The HIV/AIDS epidemic, as of this writing, is still a global health challenge with an estimated 33 million people living with HIV infection. In the present time, major public health efforts have been carried out, all with the aim of increasing HIV testing as this could lead to early detection, diagnosis, management and treatment. It is in this regarded that assessing awareness of the community about HIV/AIDS is important as this could assists clinicians in providing effective counseling and information drive to the community. This study aimed to assess the level of awareness, opinions and testing practices of patients aged 19 tot 35 years old seen at the outpatient department of FEU-NRMF. The researcher employed a descriptive cross-sectional study. Data regarding awareness and testing practices were obtained through a self-administered questionnaire. Demographic profile that was obtained from the participants included sex, age, civil status, spoken and written language, occupation, educational attainment, sexual practice, sexual orientation, age started having sex, number of past sexual partners, relationship status, history of sexually transmitted disease, and history of undergoing testing for any STDs. Meanwhile, the questionnaire is composed of 20 questions divided in three (3) sections: (1) awareness and knowledge (2) opinion and attitude and (3) testing practices. The questionnaire was directly lifted from the study of Unnikrishnan et al. (20-10) which aimed to assess the level of awareness among the general public about HIV/AIDS, along with their attitude toward people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Respondents were generally aware about HIV/AIDS. These respondents were able to correctly answer possible ways of preventing HIV transmission such as abstinence, faithfulness to one's partner and correct use of condom during sexual intercourse. Respondents were found to have positive opinion and attitude about HIV/AIDS. In the investigation, respondents strongly agree that it is important to educate others about HIV/AIDS. On the other hand, the data obtained about practices of respondents towards HIV testing was relatively poor based on the failure of participants to correctly respond on statements about HIV testing practices.

Research - Department of Medicine

awareness and testing practices

MED 2021 0007