Assess respiratory risk in surgical patients in catalonia (ARISCAT) risk index as a predictor of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCS) /

Assess respiratory risk in surgical patients in catalonia (ARISCAT) risk index as a predictor of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCS) / Kimberly S. Miguel; Jessamine Dacanay. - Fairview, Quezon City: Department of Internal Medicine, FEU-NRMF, 2021. - 20 pages; illustrations, tables; (in folder) + with flash drive (soft copy).

Includes bibliographical references.

Abstract: Postoperative pulmonary complications are not uncommon in patients who underwent surgical procedures. It is imperative to determine their overall risk in order to predict and prevent the occurrence of PPCs that are potential to add to the economic burden and length of hospital stay among patients. To determine if ARISCAT Risk Index is a predictor of PPCs in surgical patients in Far Eastern University-Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation (FEU-NRMF) Medical Center. Medical charts of patients aged 19 years and above who underwent elective and/or emergency surgery were reviewed. All medical charts were assessed in terms of the seven risk factors included in the ARISCAT Risk Index. All patients were classified as "low", "intermediate" or "high" based on their cumulative risk score. Subsequently, occurrence of PPCs was assessed. 117 eligible charts were included in this study. Respiratory failure and suspected pulmonary infection were the most common PPCs observed in high-risk patients while pleural effusion was observed only in intermediate-risk patients. Atelectasis was observed in all risk groups while bronchospasm was observed in intermediate and high-risk patients. PPC occurrence was associated with the risk stratification of patients using the ARISCAT Risk Index (x2 [2, N = 117] = 21.88, p,0.001). The present study was able to confirm the applicability of the ARISCAT Risk Index Tool in order to stratify patients based on their overall score and their risk for PPC occurrence. Age, hypertension, ASA, and functional status were among the factors that are associated to PPC occurrence. Among the PPCs, suspected pulmonary infection and pleural effusion were found to be the most common.

Research - Department of Medicine

postoperative pulmonary complications
ARISCAT risk index

MED 2021 0011