Perception of physical therapy interns having clinical internship in a tertiary level hospital to practice under direct access : a descriptive study /

Perception of physical therapy interns having clinical internship in a tertiary level hospital to practice under direct access : a descriptive study / Erica Mae M. Casco, Kristine Rose C. Dayao, Neslyn Grace P. Padilla, Diether Paul O. Quintana and Meghan M. Halum. - Fairview, Quezon City: School of Physical Therapy, FEU-NRMF, 2017. - 49 pages: illustrations; 28 cn.

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: American Physical Therapy Association envisions the goal of worldwide attainment and implementation of direct access by the year 2020 wherein Physical therapists are to function autonomously and will serve as an entry-point into the health care delivery system without any referral from a physician or other health care professional. Direct access in the Philippine setting, Physical therapists are still to function under the referral of a physician. This study reports the result regarding the perfection of physical therapy interns who had their clinical internship in a tertiary level hospital to practice under direct access. This study aimed to know the factors influencing their views, prefernces and suggestions of graduating physical therapy students regarding the practice of direct access in the Philippines. The researchers provided 60 copies of the questionnaire that were distributed to the physical therapy interns who had their clinical internship at a tertiary level hospital affiliated with FEU-NRMF School of Physical Therapy in Quezon City. The survey questionnaire was adapted from the research study of Stevens Easter entitled Perception of Physical Therapists & Physical Therapy Students towards Direct Access to patients in Ohio. To better prepare the Physical Therapy interns' towards the move to a direct access environment, schools should thoroughly discuss what direct access really is to be able to ensure that the students really understand the advantages and disadvantages that may arise once direct access is implemented. The schools should also prepare their students more, both clinically and theoretically, by offering continuing education courses that will deme them fit for a direct access environment.

Thesis - School of Physical Therapy

PT 2017 0001