Prevalence and profile of microcytic hypochromic anemia in pediatric population in a tertiary hospital /

Prevalence and profile of microcytic hypochromic anemia in pediatric population in a tertiary hospital / Liana Aira Quibael-Valencia, Naomi S. Nochesada and Mildred T. Rondilla. - Fairview, Quezon City: Department of Child Health, FEU-NRMF, 2022. - 27 pages: tables; (in folder) with flash drive (soft copy).

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: Microcytic hypochromic anemia may be attributed to defect in heme synthesis or in globin synthesis. Most common cause of microcytic anemia in children are Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) and thalassemia. This study aims to determine the prevalence and profile of pediatric patients with microcytic hypochromic anemia in a tertiary hospital. This study is a single center descriptive cross-sectional study of patients ages 6 months to less than 19 years old diagnosed with microcytic hypochromic anemia in FEU-NRMF from 2012 - 2019. This study shows the prevalence of IDA and thalassemia patients with 0.03% and 0.04% respectively among pediatric patients ages 6 months to less than 19 years old seen from 2012 - 2019. Patients with thalassemia had a mean age of 8.9 years (± 0.19) and 64.29% with family history of thalassemia. Sixty percent (60%) of patients with thalassemia were diagnosed as Alpha thalassemia and forty percent (40%) were Beta thalassemia. Patients with IDA had a mean age of 6.7 years (± 0.12) and majority were female (n=33, 69%). For the nutritional status, majority presented with No stunting and No wasting among those with IDA or thalassemia. Thalassemia patients had lower mean hemoglobin (9.64g/dL ± 1.02) and red cell indices; MCV (66.64 fL ± 8.42), MCH (21.68 pg ± 3.22) and MCHC (31.62 g/dL ± 1.93). For the RDW-SD, thalassemia patients had a normal RDW-SD (35-56 fL) while those with IDA showed increased RDW-SD (>56fL). Thalassemia was more prevalent than IDA as the cause of microcytic, hypochromic anemia among the pediatric population seen in this tertiary hospital. More patients with thalassemia had family history of thalassemia and majority were male whereas in IDA, majority were female. For the RBC indices both thalassemia and IDA showed decreased MCV, MCH and MCHC but lower values in thalassemia were observed. Patients with IDA showed increased in RDW and a normal RDW for patients with thalassemia.

Research - Department of Child Health


CH 2022 0003