: Physical therapy protocols, treatment and impact in post-acute covid-19: a rapid-review. [author]: Alzaga, Julian Philip P., Magallanes, Maria Martha Cylene Y., Lopez, Keone Mikaelo M. Pangilinan, Mike Guilier DG., Robles, Kyrone Jules S. [co-author]: PATRICK JOSEPH M. BONNEVIE

Alzaga, Julian Philip P.,

Physical therapy protocols, treatment and impact in post-acute covid-19: a rapid-review. [author]: Alzaga, Julian Philip P., Magallanes, Maria Martha Cylene Y., Lopez, Keone Mikaelo M. Pangilinan, Mike Guilier DG., Robles, Kyrone Jules S. [co-author]: PATRICK JOSEPH M. BONNEVIE - Quezon City, Philippines: FEU-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation Institute of Medicine, 2021 - 61pages / 28cm

Includes Appendix.

Background and Purpose: The emergence of SARS-Cov-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, and its rapid transmission around the globe have confronted healthcare systems with unprecedented challenges and swift changes in the provision of health care across all settings. The objective of this study is to determine Physical Therapy protocols, treatment and impact in
patients with post-acute COVID-19. Methods: Systematic searches of PubMed, PEDro, ProQuest, Central, EBSCO, LILACS &
Cochrane Library were conducted to identify studies published between 2019 to Dec 2021, Previous studies with post-acute rehabilitation discharged due to COVID-19, Previous studies with patients aged 18 years and above and, Previous studies that provide physical therapy treatment only. A rapid review was conducted to summarize the results of the included studies
and establish any agreement between the studies.
Results: A total of 5 studies were included in the study. The studies were analyzed to determine the available evidence of Physical Therapy protocols, treatment, and impact on patients with post-acute COVID-19. Our review shows that the role of Physical Therapy are: (1) Practice delivered through tele rehab (2) Breathing and Strengthening exercises to Improve Overall Function (3) Outcome Measures given to patients for Quality of Life and Respiratory Function (4) Giving therapeutic exercises like breathing technique, relaxation techniques, mucus clearance techniques along with exercise regime of thoracic expansion exercises, strengthening, ROMEs, conditioning exercises, pain management, functional activity training and aerobic exercises. In addition, outcome measures were used to act as baseline and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment before and after the implementation in which good results indicate that a patient can undergo exercise and rehabilitation treatment for COV1D-19. Moreover, appraised studies for the databases EBSCO, PubMed, Central, and ProQuest show moderate to high quality results.
Conclusion: Physical Therapy evidence-based rehab treatment, protocols, and its impact on patients with post-acute COVID-19 studies showed that physical therapy plays a vital role in post-acute COVID-19 patients since it focuses on domains such as breathing techniques, strengthening and conditioning, and aerobic exercises. These exercises increase cardiopulmonary
endurance which is the most affected when one is infected with the coronavirus which leads to shortness of breath, fatigue, and continuous weakness.

School of Physical Therapy

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