Laparoscopic Splenectomy for Hereditary Spherocytosis : Case Report

Reyes, Florante L.,M.D.

Laparoscopic Splenectomy for Hereditary Spherocytosis : Case Report

A case of a 45-year old female with recurrent jaundice for thiry one years was presented. whole abdominal unltrasound demonstrated cholelithiasis, normal biliary ducts, and splenogemaly. Complete blood count showed anemia and biochemical analysis reported elevated bilirubin results, with normal SGPT, alkaline phosphatase, and hepatitits profile. Further evaluation revealed markedly elevated reticulocyte count, findings of spherocytosis on peripheral blood smear, normal. Coombs`, test, and increased osmotic fragility test confirming the diagnosis of hemolytic anemia secondary to hereditary spherocytosis. Laparoscopic splenectomy and cholecystectomy was successfully performed. The post-operative course was uneventful.

RES SUR 2008 0002