A Rare Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma of the Brain: A case Report

Chan, Gerald S. , M.D.

A Rare Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma of the Brain: A case Report

Diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is an aggressive and fast-growing lymphoma. It can arise outside of the lymphatic system like in the brain. The mechanism for the involvement of the brain by malignant B lymphocytes is still unknown. Gene expression studies and other molecular approaches provide useful information abut DLBCL for the management and treatment. Presented is a case of a 37 year old, male with slurring of speech and word finding difficulty. Neuroimaging studies like CT-scan, CE-MRI, DWMRI and MR spectroscopy are obtained that raise the suspicion of PCNSL. Brain biopsy sampling remains the gold standard for PCNSL diagnosis and requires hispathological and immunohistochemistry. Methothrexatebase regimens even without radiation prolong survival to over 5 years.

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