Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney: A case Report

Celebrados, Ryan B., M.D.

Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney: A case Report

A male neonate was born with an enlarged abdomen. Physical examination revealed an 8 X 8 cms. movable, firm, abdominal mass. Imaging studies showed a renal mass which was excised and diagnosed as clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK) through biopsy. CCSK is rare, yet considered to be the second most common pediatric renal neoplasm. Though it can be possibly identified and diagnosed witht he aid of the latest imaging modalities, features can stil be confused with other pediatric kidney tumors leading to improper diagnosis. A definite diagnosis then is still essential prior to its management. The importance of early detection, follow up and surveillance is made known to the parents since this tumor is highly malignant with propensity to metastasize to bone and has a high recurrence rate.

RES RAD 2009 0002