Congenital cytomegalo virus infection : a case report /

Congenital cytomegalo virus infection : a case report / Nona Marie O. Dolom. - Fairview, Quezon City: Department of Child Health, FEU-NRMF, 2007. - tables; (in folder)

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: Presented was a case of congenitally acquired cytomegalovirus infection in a 2 month old male, Filipino patient. Clinical presentation was loose stool for 3 days. Physical findings included jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly. Congenital CMV occurs in 0.4-2.3 % of all livebirth and only 10% are symptomatic with the rest going undetected. Hence, a high index of suspicion is necessary. Diagnosis was confirmed by viral isolation in the urine using Shell Viral Culture. At present, no specific therapy exists for congenital CMV infection. Supportive drugs like phenobarbital and ursodeoxycholic acid was given afterwhich, jaundice was noted to lessen. Liver and spleen were decreasing in size prior to discharge. The importance of vigilant follow up was explained to the parents. Long term management includes serial hearing test to detect progressive or late onset hearing loss, developmental assessment to evaluate for cognitive and motor disabilities and, ophthalmologic evaluation.

Research - Department of Child Health

CH 2007 0002