A Retrospective case-control study on the use of of dengue nonstructural protein 1 antigen test in the early diagnosis of dengue infection in pediatric patients at FEU-NRMF Medical Center from January to August 2012 /

A Retrospective case-control study on the use of of dengue nonstructural protein 1 antigen test in the early diagnosis of dengue infection in pediatric patients at FEU-NRMF Medical Center from January to August 2012 / Ma. Lourdes L. Benoza-Alisangco, Maria Anna P. Bañez and Eva I. Bautista. - Fairview, Quezon City: Department of Child Health, FEU-NRMF, 2013. - 33 pages: illustrations, tables; (in folder)

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: Early diagnose of acute dengue virus infection during the first few days of clinical symptoms can provide vital information for timely management and early control of dengue outbreaks. The study validated the use of dengue NS1 antigen test in the early recognition of dengue infection among patients with clinical signs and symptoms of dengue fever based on the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. This is a retrospective case-control research. Data from medical records of 196 pediatric patients (98 cases and 98 controls) FEU-NRMF Medical Center from January to August 2012 were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, means T-test, Z-test, and Fisher's Exact test. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the DNS1 Antigen test were measured using appropriate formula. The McNemar test statistics with Yates's correction determined significant difference in the proportion of correct and incorrect diagnosis of dengue infection when use of dengue NS1 antigen strip is compared with the WHO criteria. The study revealed that: (1) the DNS1 antigen test had high sensitivity of 88% (80% to 91%); (2) specificity was 90%, (85% to 100%); (3) overall accuracy was 89% (83% to 100%); (4) systemic viral illness and pneumonia were the two acute febrile illnesses that led to false positive DNS1 Ag test results; (5) no significant difference (computed x2 value of 0.10227 < tabular x2 value of 2.706) was found in the proportion of correct and incorrect diagnosis of dengue infection among febrile pediatric patients when use of NS1 antigen strip was compared with the WHO criteria; and (6) sensitivity, specificity and accuracy dropped by Day 5. DNS1 antigen test done up to Day 4 of fever on set is helpful in the early recognition of dengue infection among patients with clinical signs and symptoms of dengue fever based on WHO criteria.

Research - Department of Child Health

CH 2013 0007