Immature teratoma : a case report /

Escaño, Paulo Delfin, MD.

Immature teratoma : a case report / Paulo Delfin Escaño. - Fairview, Quezon City Department of Pathology, FEU-NRMF, ND - 14 pages: photos (colored); (in folder)

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

ABSTRACT: A 21 year-old nulligravid female suddenly presented with a left lower quadrant abdominal pain for 15 days with a palpable abdominal mass of 20 cm in greatest diameter. A transvaginal ultrasound was done which revealed an ovarian mass measuring 21.3x20x12.3 cm on the left ovary. The patient underwent exploratory laparotomy, peritoneal fluid lavage for cytology, left salpingooophorectomy, right oophorocystectomy, bilateral node dissection, infracolic omentectomy and random peritoneal biopsy. Two samples of ovarian tissue were sent to the laboratory for frozen section. The first was labeled as "left ovary" and consisted of a previously opened cystic to solid ovarian tissue measuring 17.5 x 12 x 9cm. This was signed out as "Favor Immature Teratoma, Grade 1, Remarks: additional section are needed." The second tissue was labeled as "right ovary" and consisted of a previously opened cystic tissue measuring 7 x 5 1.5 cm. This was signed out as "Mature Cystic Teratoma". After the routine tissue processing and subsequent examination of the remnants of the frozen section and the additional sections, the case was signed out as "Immature Cystic Teratoma, Grade III, left ovary" and "Mature Cystic Teratoma, right ovary".Immature teratoma is an uncommon tumor and represents 3% of teratomas, 1% of all ovarian cancers and 20% of malignant ovarian germ cell tumors. It occurs most commonly in the first two decades of life and may be either in a pure form in a pure form or as a component of a mixed germ cell tumor. (1) The tumor is usually asymptomatic until it reaches a considerable size and is differentiated with the mature cyctic teratoma by the presence of immature or embryonal elements. (2)

Research - Department of Pathology & Laboratory Diagnosis