Premature Ovarian Failure in a 25 year old nulligravid : A Case Report

Agbuya, Aundrey Hariette., M.D.

Premature Ovarian Failure in a 25 year old nulligravid : A Case Report

This is a case of M.T., 25 years old with premature ovarian failure diagnosed with an elevated FSH of 91.89 mIU/MI and a decreased estradiol level of 6.35 pg/mL who came in with a chief complaint of amenorrhea for 10 months Etiologics are heterogenous which still remains to be explored and there are no well established therapeutic. Clinical sequelae are numerous with fertility and long term health as the most common concern. Our patient is currently on hormone replacement therapy to alleviate the possible signs and symptoms of menopause and its complications.

RES OB 2007 0002