Nurse - Doctor Working Relationship in Chinese General Hospital : An Assessment /

Nurse - Doctor Working Relationship in Chinese General Hospital : An Assessment / Xavier B. Acuar ; Danicca Paula B.Barreto ; Virna Fe L. Cacanindin and Jose Andrew V. Conde. - Fairview, Quezon City School of Nursing, FEU-NRMF March 2006 - 183 pages: illustrations, tables; 28 cm.

Abstract: The research study focused on nurses' and doctor's relationship in a health care setting which showed both discordance and harmonious relationship between them. It has been the wide most subject of controversies in documentaries, literature, debates and yet the real score between them stands unclear. In that perspective, researches continued to clarify misconceptions and disagreements based on the data gathered. Finally, this research study helped medical staffs understand their current condition with regard to the working relationship of doctors and nurses. The group's premise was proven valid based on the data continuously researched and updated on the topic with aid of written literatures. The instrument chiefly used was in the form of Checklist-questionnaire which was ponderously corrected by Mrs. Anita B. Santiago, a professional in research field. The questionnaire consisted of the relationship of nurses to doctors and vise versa which were grouped according to factors that influence working relationship of nurses and doctors, clinical management clinical engagement and help and support. Liker scale was also utilized in interpreting the doctors' and nurses' responses with an interval of 5. Participants were limited to the professional nurses and doctors who are working in Chinese General Hospital. We selected this private hospital to acquire a range of views to ascertain reliable and accurate findings with regard to our problem. Data gathering was conducted through the use of tools such as questionnaires and surveys. Survey was made for nurse supervisors, chief nurses, staff nurses, resident physicians, attending physicians, consultants/ anesthesiology, surgeons and interns of the hospital. The target respondents were nurses as well as doctors in Chinese General Hospital. This was done to avoid discrepancy and unfavorable solutions with regard to research's problem. The study accounted all facts from the respondents regardless of the nurses' and doctors' age, gender, ward designation, position, years of service and education attainment.

Thesis - School of Nursing

N 2006 0016