Production of crude liposomes from the yolks of quail, duck, native & hybrid chicken eggs /

Production of crude liposomes from the yolks of quail, duck, native & hybrid chicken eggs / Section 1 B2; Romulo De Villa; Remedios Santos. - Manila: Department of Biochemistry, FEU-NRMF, 1998. - illustrations; 28 cm.

Includes references.

Abstract: In this research, crude liposomes were made from native chicken, hybrid chicken, duck, and quail egg yolks. It was determined which among the eggs produced the greatest number of liposomes per gram of yolk. It was expected that quail egg yolks would yield the greatest amount of liposomes however, duck eggs proved to have a highest yield of liposomes, and were therefore more cost-effective.

Thesis - Department of Biochemistry & Nutrition

M BIO 1998 0005