In Vitro Characterization of Bacterial Consortia Using Soybean Agar against Nutrient Agar /

In Vitro Characterization of Bacterial Consortia Using Soybean Agar against Nutrient Agar / Stephen Macguill Y. Buss ; Quennie D. Del Rosario ; Glen Paul M. Galido ; Kathleen Joyce B. Griarte ; Charise I. Guerrero ; Kristoffer Joephert F. Montano ; Reginald Jethro Y. Ngo ; Neal Jerome M. Ruiz and Royce Erika C. Tan. - Fairview, Quezon City School of Medical Technology, FEU-NRMF ND - 68 page: illustrations, tables, photos 28 cm.

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstrct: One of the essential nutrients needed by bacteria in order for them to grow is protein which is highly found in soybeans (glycine max); it also contains other nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and minerals compared to that of the other legumes that can be a good substitute for the protein source in the nutrient agar. The researchers performed an experimentation wherein the influent from feu-medical center sewage is inoculated in the nutrient agar producing colonies after incubation is then isolated and purified. After which, the isolated colony is inoculated in the nutrient agar and incubated for several hours. Morphological analysis, grams' stain and biochemical tests were performed to identify the isolated bacteria after inoculating the colony into the soybean agar and nutrient agar. The growth of klebsiella pneumonia and enterobacter cloacae in both soybean agar and nutrient agar were compared macroscopically conforming to the following criteria - pigmentation, size, shape, texture, edge or margin, elevation, optical properties, number of colonies, size of colonies, strength of pigmentation, reproduction rate. Nutrient agar is very helpful in growing microorganisms and thus, recognized it as the standard culture medium. The purpose of this study is to make an alternative medium similar to nutrient agar that can support the growth of bacteria and to provide an alternative medium for bacterial culture. The researchers had proved that soybean agar can really support the growth of the bacteria due to its high protein content and other nutrients which led us to perform an experiment to further prove the study and to know whether the bacteria's morphological characteristics in soybean agar and nutrient agar will still be the same and fortunately, the two known bacteria possessed the same characteristics in the nutrient agar and soy bean agar, both the klebsiella pneumonia and enterobacter cloacae showed excellent growth having white pigmentation, small, circular, raised and moist colony that differs only in optical property and edge or margin.

Thesis - School of Medical Technology

MT ND 0008