A Study on Academic Dishonesty among Medical Laboratory Science Students of FEU-NRMF, S.Y.2011-2012 /

A Study on Academic Dishonesty among Medical Laboratory Science Students of FEU-NRMF, S.Y.2011-2012 / Dan Jason D. Aguenza ; Donna Marie A. Cuasay ; Larra Mae F. Deloria ; Zarah Jane V. Embradora ; Margielee Jimelo ; Ma. Eloisa P Lanzaderas ; April Marrian Nazareno and Franchesca G. Tecson. - Fairview, Quezon City School of Medical Technology, FEU-NRMF 2012 - 26 pages: illustrations, tables; 28 cm.

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: Surviving college years is one of the toughest challenges any student may encounter. Each student develops his/her own kind of strategy to successfully hurdle a semester. One of the most common strategies that have always been resorted to by students is cheating. Cheating is a serious problem. Throughout the years, the capacity of a student to commit any form of cheating becomes easier. Cheating is a common academic dishonesty among the Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) students of FEU-NRMF, S.Y. 2011-2012. One hundred percent (100%) of the respondents admitted that they committed an act of academic dishonesty in various aspects or situations. Copying the answers from another student's laboratory manual or homework, letting another students copy their answer(s) during an exam, quiz or plating, and asking for answers form their classmate or seatmate are the most prevalent forms of cheating. Meanwhile, the most common reasons why MLS students resort to cheating are as follows: too heavy workload in one semester; to gain high grades; and fear of failure. The strict adherence and implementation of the school rules and policies on academic dishonesty plays a pivotal role in the prevention of cheating among MLS students. More student-friendly programs and activities like counseling/ reinforcement, group studies, symposia, etc. should be instituted in order to help students cope with the high demands/ volume of college work.

Thesis - School of Medical Technology

MT 2012 0003