Oligodynamic Property of Silver and Copper against Common Water-Associated Enteric Pathogens Isolated from Hospital Wastewater /

Oligodynamic Property of Silver and Copper against Common Water-Associated Enteric Pathogens Isolated from Hospital Wastewater / Joshua Raphael de Guzman ; Kenneth Cantalejo ; Jet Marrie Delas Alas ; TJ Jaula ; Reynaldo Jr. Luz ; Dan Mark Prodigalidad ; Jessa Vasquez and Alyssa Quisquis. - Fairview, Quezon City School of Medical Technology, FEU-NRMF 2016 - 50 pages: illustrations, tables, photos; 28 cm.

Includes appendices and bibliographical references.

Abstract: Water is prone to contamination of microorganisms leading to world's greatest health risk. In addition, usage of metals that exhibit oligodynamic property is one of the simplest ways to control water contamination. This research tested the oligodynamic property of silver and copper against shigella spp., klebsiella spp., and escherichia coli isolated from hospital wastewater of far eastern university medical center. Enteric pathogens were identified using culture based microbiological techniques. Silver and copper was incubated together with the imicroorganisms for 24 hours. The organisms showed inhibition but each of them showed different results. After statistical analysis was done based ont he results gathered using anova two-way with out replication, the computed p-value was 0.00011 which was lower than the alpha value : 0.05. The metal used in this study has exhibited its oligodynamic effect against the enteric pathogens isolated. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Two trials were done in the experiment. The results showed an inverse relationship between the time of incubation and the growth of the microorganisms based on their computed r2. Shigella spp. R2 of copper was 0.09640 and 0.8965 for silver. Escherichia coli value for r2 of copper was 0.9201 and 0.9846 for silver. It was found that silver, as compared to copper, exhibited greater oligodynamic effect against the enteric pathogens after the 24-hour incubation period.

Thesis - School of Medical Technology

MT 2016 0009